SINTEC Insonorización

Call us for assistance:
+34 938 449 476

Sound insulation systems for the industry and the environment - SINTEC Insonorización

Contact with SINTEC Insonorización

Basic information related to data protection
  1. Responsible party for handling your data: SINTEC SISTEMAS DE INSONORIZACIÓN PARA LA INDUSTRIA Y EL MEDIO AMBIENTE, S.L. (+ info)
  2. Reasons for handling: manage and address information and/or query requests that the website contact form users send us (+ info)
  3. Legal basis for handling: consent of the interested party when sending us the form completed with your data (+ info)
  4. Who we will send your data to: staff, the company management and the company JAD Serveis Informàtics S.L., who provides the information technology services related to e-mail and web page management. Your data shall not be given to 3rd parties, unless legally required (+ info)
  5. Your rights: you have the right to access, rectify and/or delete your data, as well as other rights, that are explained in detail in the additional information section (+ info)
  6. Additional information: you may consult additional and detailed information regarding the handling of your data in the Privacy Policy section (+ info)
Factory and Offices

C/ Narcís Monturiol, Nave 1-A,
Pol. Ind. Can Magre
08187 Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana
(Barcelona) - Spain

Tel: +34 93 844 94 76
Fax: +34 93 844 94 78
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