TCM acoustic doors

TCM acoustic doors


TCM model acoustic doors from SINTEC are made of wood and have been designed to offer the highest soundproofing levels in comparison with other similar doors.

The level of insulation and the quality offered are perfect to comply with all the acoustic requests from medical centres, offices, meeting rooms, etc., and generally from all those places where privacy and functionality are essential requirements.


The sheet is composed of solid wood panels, which are internally separated by a spacer frame.

The internal composition is made of three layers containing different materials with insulating and absorbing properties.

The perimeter frame is made of solid wood of 80*70mm with a double closing ridge.

The sheet and frame fitting is made with a double sealing frame of high density neoprene. It includes internal air chambers in order to allow the compression of the material.

Zamak hinges, steel spin axis and nylon bearings.

Lock made of chrome duralumin with a pressure-regulated cam, with a working point in the centre of the sheet; or closing lock with knob or handle and a standard internal mechanism.

Exterior finishes

MDF wood prepared for painting.

Natural wood finish.

Neutral varnish finish.


Data sheet


At our facilities we have the latest technology and machinery necessary to design and manufacture all our products with absolute precision.

To obtain the desired results, it is essential to adapt the product to the specific needs of the client.


We design, manufacture and install bespoke solutions, according to the project requirements and the needs of the client.

Our fitters, alongside the installation control technicians, will complete any acoustic solution you need.



Medical centres.

Meeting rooms.



Acoustic properties


Fulfilled projects

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Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea